This script does something very simple, yet very powerful—it allows you to export versions of photos to multiple export presets at once. Need to export full size and half size and 1024 pixel JPEGs, or any other combination, over and over again? Then your’e gonna love how much time this AppleScript saves.


Live Training Session 119

Printed media may be on the decline, but there's still nothing like viewing your photos in a printed book. Whether you're making books to deliver to clients, to commemorate a family vacation, or just as a showcase of your own favorite photos, Aperture is an easy and affordable way to make this a reality.

Duration: 01:15 hr
Included with membership

Who's Got an App?

PhotoJoseph's picture
November 4, 2014 - 12:38am
Got an app you want talked about on the site? The age of sponsored posts is upon us. Three tiers, starting with free, are available to developers. Click through to read the details.

The Aperture 3 "Open in Editor" Options—TIF vs PSD, 8-bit vs 16-bit, sRGB vs Adobe RGB, and TIF Compression Options

PhotoJoseph's picture
October 30, 2014 - 8:00pm
As we all know, Aperture is no longer being developed. However more and more third party applications are popping up on the App Store — some for very little money — that may fill in the some of the gaps while we wait for Photos to be released. In this post, so that we can take advantage of some of these new apps, we look at Aperture’s built-in “Open in Editor” command, and the significance of the few options it offers. We also look at the many options you have when saving at TIFF file from Photoshop. Warning… this is a really, really long post.


Live Training Session 118

At some point, you have to export your photos from Aperture. Easy enough, right? And it is… but there are so many options that can make your exporting easier and more consistent — if you set them up.

Duration: 01:19 hr
Included with membership

The Zack Arias OneLight 2.0 Video is Included in the 5 Day Deal!

PhotoJoseph's picture
October 18, 2014 - 10:42pm
One of the funniest, most enjoyable, most entertaining, and most honest photographers out there today is Zack Arias. He’s the kind of guy you really want to grab a beer with. And his OneLight 2.0 video is included in the 5 Day Deal bundle. As he says, “It’s time to stop taking pictures that suck!”. Amen, brother.

Live Training Session 117 Coming Up; Places

PhotoJoseph's picture
October 18, 2014 - 3:00am
I love Places! It’s one of my favorite features to play with in Aperture. Sure it has nothing to do with actually editing your photos, but there’s something about seeing them scattered around the globe as pins on a map that I just adore.


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