iPhone X Pre-Order Delivery Date & Adventures in White Balancing
Let's talk a bit about white balance and my iPhone X pre-order delivery date.
Let's talk a bit about white balance and my iPhone X pre-order delivery date.
A step-by-step guide for shooting a successful time lapse when using the edelkrone SliderONE with any DSLR/DSLM camera… but of course, we're using a GH5.
Ever wondered how to turn day into night; to use high speed sync (aka high speed flash, aka FP mode) to get dramatic light photos at high noon in the full sun? Check out part one of this two-part show!
This special edition of PhotoJoseph’s Photo Moment features David Schloss, the Editor-in-Cheif of Digital Photo Pro and Digital Photo magazine and a contributing editor at Outdoor Photographer. We will discuss and debate the merits (or lack thereof) of Adobe’s latest Big News™, the split of Lightroom to “Classic” and “CC”.
I've come up with a new, better way to calibrate the Blackmagic Micro Studio Camera 4K attached to the ATEM 2 M/E using the Atomos Ninja Assassin. But it's still not perfect… what am I missing?!
The face enhancement, retouching and warp tools in Polarr are incredible… just wait until you see what you can do! A little help goes a long way.
Ever wondered how to turn day into night; to use high speed sync (aka high speed flash, aka FP mode) to get dramatic light photos at high noon in the full sun? Check out part one of this two-part show!
I recently did a simple product shoot for a client, Growbabyhealth.com, and narrated the journey for you… enjoy!
Let's see what good questions came up in the last couple of weeks…
It's a day of firmware updates…
The LUMIX GH5 gets v.2.1, fixing a bug and adjusting some presets
The 30mm macro gets Dual I.S.2
The 42.5mm f/1.2 Leica Noctircron gets Dual I.S.2 (dual image stabilization version 2)