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Intermediate Tips

Merging Photos Libraries

PhotoJoseph's picture
April 9, 2015 - 12:44am
One of the great features in Aperture (but not iPhoto) was the ability to merge libraries. There isn’t a merge feature in Photos, but there is a workaround. This will be critical to know if you want to play with Photos today, then later combine this with your existing Aperture or iPhoto libraries.

Auto Mask: My Favorite Feature Since Moving to Lightroom

Nick Nieto's picture
April 3, 2015 - 9:00pm
The Adjustment Brush in Lightroom is quite powerful and in my opinion much more versatile then the brushes in Aperture. By turning on Auto Mask the brush can detect edges and apply a variety of effects with great precision. This has allowed me to avoid round tripping many of my images into Photoshop saving me time. This has quickly become my favorite feature I’ve gained since moving to Lightroom.

Migrating Metadata from Aperture to Lightroom

Walter Rowe's picture
March 20, 2015 - 8:00pm
Like others, I am evaluating which direction to migrate my Aperture libraries. I have been testing PhaseOne Capture One Pro and Adobe Photoshop Lightroom. Both applications offer migration paths for ingesting Aperture libraries, but neither application does the job perfectly. It is important to me that all of the IPTC metadata and keywords are transferred. In this article I demonstrate four different methods that I tested with Lightroom for transferring this information and provide the results of each test.

Aperture, Capture One and Lightroom Walk into a Bar (Part 2 of 2)

Jochen H. Schmidt's picture
March 16, 2015 - 8:00pm
This post picks up where part one left off. We all know that Aperture is going away, and we’re all eventually going to have to switch to something else. Last week, I looked at the interface and workflow features in Lightroom and Capture One. In today’s segment, I’ll dive into specific image editing comparisons and capabilities between all three apps.

Aperture, Capture One and Lightroom Walk into a Bar (Part 1 of 2)

Jochen H. Schmidt's picture
March 13, 2015 - 8:00pm
Aperture is going away, and we’re all eventually going to have to switch to something else. After years of working with Aperture, and months of exploring both Lightroom and Capture One, I’d like to share a collection of comparisons between the three apps. In today’s section, I’ll look at the interface and workflow features. In the next segment, I’ll dive into specific image editing comparisons and capabilities.


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