
Blind Spot Crack Light

There's a clever new light in town, built be a UK company called “Blind Spot Gear”. It's an ultra-thin, modular, inexpensive and high quality LED panel.


RAW Power: Editing Tools pt 2

Live Training Session 2104

In the previous session, we learned all about the editing tools. In this session, we saw them in use! Watch my editing decisions, made in realtime.

Duration: 00:40 hr
Included with membership

RAW Power: Editing Tools pt 1

Live Training Session 2103

In this session, we see every adjustment RAW Power has to offer, such as White Balance, Curves, Definition, Chromatic Aberration, Perspective and more!

Duration: 00:50 hr
Included with membership

FEELWORLD F5 5-inch Monitor

Smaller, 5-inch monitors are all the rage these days. For those on a budget (or even those not), is the Feelworld F5 worth considering? 


Cheap RGB LED by AndyCine

This little ANDYCINE RGB LED AL-360RGB light is small and cheap and plays well with colors… but is it actually any good? Let's find out!


RAW Power: RAW Processing

Live Training Session 2102

You know what RAW Power is really good at? RAW Decoding! (Bet you're surprised). This session covers all the RAW Processing capabilities.

Duration: 00:32 hr
Included with membership


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