Back from The NAB Show 2018! ► A Quick Recap… and Something Important
Back from NAB! I'm exhausted so this will be brief, but there's something really important I want you to do for me as well. Listen up!
Back from NAB! I'm exhausted so this will be brief, but there's something really important I want you to do for me as well. Listen up!
How close can you get with macro extension tubes, and what lenses work best? In some cases, do you even need the macro tubes to get the shot you want? let's explore!
It's time to wrap up the Photos sessions, and see what we may have missed on the iOS side of things, and compare a few things on macOS.
Switched to Micro Four Thirds, and have some old Canon glass laying around? Breathe new life into your old gear with these super inexpensive lens adapters!
PhotoJoseph is back from his trip to Slovenia… and very tired and jet-lagged, but it's been too long since you all had a true LIVE Photo Moment show, so here we are. He shared the story of his trip, an update on the Gnarbox + Lumafusion project, unpacking his camera bag, and more.
What’s better… shoot 4K and slow down, or shoot 1080p slo-mo and scale up? I shoot 4K60p regularly so I can do a 2x slowdown on a 30p timeline and have no added frames. But what if you want even SLOWER footage? What is the best way to get it?
Have you wondered why the GH5S doesn't have a built in stabilizer (IBIS)? Watch this video to understand the reason — and why it's a GOOD THING.
Ah, the memories. Your pictures are all about your memories, and Apple Photos wants to help you remember them! It does a pretty sweet job of it, too.
Lots to do and just a little time… let's get started! The Photo Contest is over and we have a winner. Then its time to pack the camera bag full of gear for the trip, and finally sharing the plans for the trip and what to expect during this time.
Human — two eyes. Camera — one eyepiece. Which eye do you use? Are you a right eye shooter or a left eye shooter? And more interestingly… do you keep the other eye open or closed? Tune in for some insightful photography skills talk and some potentially eye-opening (groan) perspectives on shooting!
Last week's show on tethered shooting with the GH5 was done on a USB 2.0 cable, which an eagle-eyed viewer pointed out. So let's do some comparisons of a USB 2.0 vs USB 3.0 cable and see what kind of difference it makes!
Today we'll learn how to set up tethering on the LUMIX pro cameras and how to integrate with Lightroom.
This super cool (I hope) lens I bought on Kickstarter a while ago just arrived… it's a M43 pinhole lens for my LUMIX cameras from a company called Thingyfy! Let's open it up and check it out, and if you want one, go to
Snow photography and video poses a unique set of challenges… here's 12 tips to help you get the most from your snowy day!
When you can see all your photos on a map, it makes exploring your photo history so much fun… and, it helps Apple Photos to build better Memories for you.
It's time for another AMA… waddayawannaknow? We unboxed a flex LED from FJ Westcott, there were questions about Real Estate Photography, lenses and cameras, polarizer filters, settings in camera modes, and much more