LIVE AMA: Upcoming Event Announcements, Digitizing Old Negatives, LUMIX Compact Cameras, and More!
Waddayawannaknow? We had to cut the show short due to issues with the stream signal. Joseph opened the show with a few announcements about some of his upcoming events. Even though the signal was choppy, we still covered some great topics thanks to our live viewers.
DJI Spark Sphere Mode - How to Make Tiny Planet Images From Sphere Mode Equirectangular Photos
I want to show off the DJI Spark 360º Sphere mode for making Tiny Planet images. The panorama photo mode now has a fisheye lens effect. Then, to make the Tiny Planet image, I use the “Tiny Planet Photos and Video” app.
Adobe Lightroom CC: File Management
Live Training Session 1301
You've decided to use the new Lightroom CC… but where the heck are your photos stored, and how much control do you have? This video answers those questions, and more.
Achieve Dramatic Lighting Through The Use of Cookies - Lighting Tips for Photo and Video
Let's bake some cookies! No, not that kind… but those would be nice though. No, I mean a cuculoris… but we call it a cookie. It's an item used to create shadow patterns, which helps create a more interesting appearance by breaking up the light.
Panasonic LUMIX G9 — The Still Photographer’s Dream Camera
The rumors were true… well, most of them! Let's talk about this new camera, the Panasonic LUMIX G9. What are the specs? How does it compare to the GH5?
Adobe Lightroom CC: Overview
Live Training Session 1300
Adobe Lightroom CC is new, controversial, and here to stay… so what is it anyway, and how does it compare to Classic and Mobile? Find out in this overview!
4K 60p 8bit vs 10bit on GH5, Full Frame to M43 Focal Length Conversion Chart, and More!
Did you ask a Q? Let's try to get you an A… Our viewers submitted many great questions! Topics include how to add a wireless microphone to an iPhone, 4K 60p 8bit vs 10bit recording on GH5, Full Frame to Micro Four Thirds Focal Length Conversion, and much more!
iPhone X Silver LIVE Unboxing and First Look with PhotoJoseph!
It's here! It's time for PhotoJoseph's iPhone X Unboxing! Let's have a look at this shiny new thing, shall we?!
I Have Two Mevos Now! - Mevo Plus Live Event Camera Unboxing and First Look
I haz Mevo Plus! Let's take a look at this new version of the Mevo Event Camera from Livestream. What are the differences? What are it's capabilities?
Best HDR Monitor for Editing, iPhone X Unboxing on Friday, LUMIX G9 Rumors, and More!
It's another AMA show! Viewers asked about the LUMIX G9 rumors they've been hearing, a recommendation for an HDR Monitor for editing, and some ASPH lens questions. Joseph also shared his plans for Friday's show, which will be an iPhone X unboxing.
Polarr Photo Editor: Workflow
Live Training Session 1205
Now that we've explored the entire app, let's go through a few photos on a real-world workflow of how I'd edit my own photos.
iPhone X Pre-Order Delivery Date & Adventures in White Balancing
Let's talk a bit about white balance and my iPhone X pre-order delivery date.
How to Set the Edelkrone SliderONE to Shoot a Time Lapse With the LUMIX GH5
A step-by-step guide for shooting a successful time lapse when using the edelkrone SliderONE with any DSLR/DSLM camera… but of course, we're using a GH5.
High Speed Sync, Part 2… featuring LUMIX GH5 & Panasonic 580 Flash FP Mode
Ever wondered how to turn day into night; to use high speed sync (aka high speed flash, aka FP mode) to get dramatic light photos at high noon in the full sun? Check out part one of this two-part show!
LIVE DEBATE Pros and Cons of Lightroom CC vs Classic; Featuring David Schloss of Digital Photo Pro
This special edition of PhotoJoseph’s Photo Moment features David Schloss, the Editor-in-Cheif of Digital Photo Pro and Digital Photo magazine and a contributing editor at Outdoor Photographer. We will discuss and debate the merits (or lack thereof) of Adobe’s latest Big News™, the split of Lightroom to “Classic” and “CC”.