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This ATEM (mini) Tips” series of short video tutorials for your Blackmagic ATEM hardware includes tips for all users, from beginner to advanced. Scroll down to see more in the series!

This is a collection of all PhotoJoseph LIVE shows, from the PhotoJoseph YouTube channel. Additional episodes are listed below!

Camera Control with ATEM Mini and Blackmagic Pocket Cinema Cameras (BMPCC)

Photo Moment - May 28, 2021

If you've ever looked at the Camera control tab in the ATEM Software Control app and wondered what all those color wheels are for, this is your answer. You can control the Blackmagic Pocket Cinema Cameras (BMPCC) through the app, and in this video I'll show you how it works!

Need an ATEM Mini?

What this tip is about…

The ATEM Software Control app has a page for camera control, but it doesn't do anything, unless you have a Blackmagic Pocket Cinema Camera attached. Then, it does a LOT of things!

In this video, I'll show all the camera control options, including Lift Gamma and Gain, color controls, Camera Gain, Shutter and White balance, aperture and even focus! You can even build macros to control many aspects of the camera as well!

And, if you're using an ATEM Mini Extreme or ATEM Mini Extreme ISO, then you even have hardware buttons on the switcher to control the camera! It's pretty cool what you can do.

📄 Full Video Transcript


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@@photojoseph So you will not get any camera control on the new Atem SDI models? :/
@@OuglandMedia camera control is only over HDMI as it requires a two-way communication. SDI is one-way. Some of the Studio Cameras have dual SDI ports for this purpose. But if you’re using BMPCC cameras, then you need the HDMI switchers.
Could you do a video like this for the new Atem SDI models? Do you have the same control here?
Yes! But you have to have motorized lenses. This will be in my next video, actually!
Your videos have been super helpful! Is it possible to write macros that utilize zoom lenses with the Atem and BMPCC? I currently have written macros for digital zoom in and out , but would prefer optical zooms if possible. Here’s how we use macros if you’re interested:
what cable are you using? can you use the hdmi fiber cable?
Standard HDMI is two way communication. Fiber HDMI can be one way or two way so you need to be aware of what you’re buying.
you never mentioned HOW it is connected. is this via SDI? standard 3G or does it need to be 12G SDI to give full control? OR - sorry for my ignorance - is it via ethernet somehow? This is my main question =)
It’s just the HDMI connection! If you have SDI BMD cameras and an SDI ATEM then you have to connect one of the AUX outs from the ATEM into the camera’s SDI input.
We have BlackMagic pocket cinema cameras and BlackMagic studio 4k cameras… and we have the ATEM mini iso (4 channel) and if we reboot the ATEM and connect the cameras fresh, they sync properly w the ATEM and we can control the camera functions (zoom, focus etc)…. But a short time will pass, and all of the sudden the camera controls functions won’t work via the ATEM any more. Any idea what might be happening? I’m having a really hard time finding help for this symptom online. Thank you, love you videos
@@GEdwards my reply is missing 😢 No ideal length, just depends on the cable. I like cables and for really long runs go with fiber (I did a video on those a while ago).
Ok… when I go into the studio I will test removing the PC and see what happens, as for the cables - mixed brands but none seem low quality - maybe one is too long. What is the ideal length? And what cable brand do you recommend?
@GEdwards try without the PC. Something is breaking the HDMI communication. There’s a device you can insert between the problematic input that blocks the signals that mess things up but we need to identify the problem first. And it could still be the cables themselves. Are these high quality hdmi cables?
@@photojosephthanks so much for answering! For the four HDMI inputs we have two BM pocket cinema cameras, one BM studio 4k, and the 4th input is a PC HDMI connection, for brining in slides, zoom, or other video sources. Again, if we disconnect everything, unplug the ATEM and start over, all the camera control functions work… then some time will pass, and all of the sudden, the remote focus, zoom, or lens settings will all stop working (control by the ATEM stops working). And it’s happens to all the cameras at once. It’s driving us crazy.
Hmm. I can think of a two things. Overly long / cheap HDMI cables, or something else connected that’s interfering. Other than the cameras, what else is connected the ATEM’s HDMI inputs?
The filter control allows you to switch ND filters in Blackmagic Pocket Cinema Camera 6K Pro and Blackmagic Studio Camera 6K Pro. Press the left or right ND filter buttons to cycle through the options.
Using Camera Control 81
There's no way to see the aperture or ISO number in the ATEM software?
@@photojoseph Ah yes I saw that in the video and I also watched the 3,5 hour long video.

But I mean if it's able to see if Gain is at ISO 400 for example and aperture is at 2.8 or 2.0. I'm not used to the generic controls without some kind of data representation behind it. 😅
For BMPCC cameras, yes. It’s in the camera page. ISO is expressed in gain though. 0db is base and any number over that is “gaining up” the sensor (reducing quality)
Save Camera setup for recall.
We are having an issue were we cannot control our filter gain shutter though the computer is connected any suggestions
But you can control everything else? Very odd. I’d post in the BMD forums where more people using the cameras may know
Thanks a lot for this video! Is it possible to remote switch on and off false color with the Atem Mini Pro?
Thanks a lot Joseph for you feedback. I will check with the BM support as I want to avoid working with an additional smartphone.
@MaikSchott I don’t own a BMPCC but I don’t recall seeing that anywhere in the ATEM settings. You might be able to though with the BMPCC phone app.
Yes - I meant, remote controlling (on and off) the false color of the Micro 4k from the Atem Mini pro @@photojoseph
You mean in the camera? Not that I’m aware of.
I hope you can help me with this... I have a BMPPC 6K G2 and an Atem Mini Extreme Pro (HDMI), the issue occurs when I connect the camera to the atem, the settings on the camera changes (screen blinks) and cannot longer use the 16:9 ratio it seems blocked as well the ProRes codec, only remains some ratios with the BRAW codecs, but none are 16:9 ratios so always get black stripes on the PGM in the Atem mini.

Note: This isn't happen with my BMPPC 4K. All firmwares are updated BTW.

The only way that I found so far to fix it, is using an external monitor with I/O HDMI, connecting the camera to the monitor; with that the camera doesn't change codecs and I can use the 16:9 ratio and the monitor to the Atem. BUT, obviously I lost control over the camera like color correction and tally light, and I need those.

Other way is converting the HDMI signal thought the BM Bidirectional converter HDMI to SDI and again SDI to HDMI. It works, the 16:9 ratio remains but losing again control over the camera. Surfing the web I found that connecting a second SDI cable to return the "control" and works, BUT in that second the cameras blink and change the codec and I ends right where I start, losing the 16:9.

So, do you had any idea of what is going on here? You are my only hope Obi-wan, neither in BlackMagic support are catching my consult and always respond something else.
The camera is locked in braw at this point, but as long as it’s 6K braw it should offer 16:9. If it’s 4K then I think you can only do DCI (17:9). Unfortunately I don’t have that gear so can’t try it myself but I did have it for a recent webinar and I know I had it set to 16:9.
Thanks for making this so clear. I just got 2 Pocket Cinema cameras (4K and 6K G2) and there are so many things to learn. I'll start with tinkering with the exposure (ISO/gain and shutter speed/Angle) then I need to tinker with using LUTs vs tinkering with colors in the ATEM menus.
Thanks Joe, you rock! Very much appreciated.
I have a BMPCC 4k, do you have a video showing how to hook up and get control of the cameras?? are there settings in the camera i need to check and change ?
I’m confused; that’s literally what this video is about. Did you watch it?
What cables/connections are required to use the focus from software function?
It’s just hdmi, as shown here. But this is only for blackmagic cameras
Thank you Joseph. I'm assuming by comments at the end of the video that you always have the camera in the RAW setting for livestreaming. I was wondering whether to change the setting to save some steps when calibrating one camera to the other, but the fact that you can copy settings to other cameras is a perfect solution.
The camera doesn’t have to be in raw for live streaming but if I recall correctly, it has to be raw for the in-camera recording while simultaneously recording the show in the ATEM. I could be wrong about that though — and I don’t have a camera to test with anymore.
Great video! I wonder if i can run a long sdi on a longer distance for that camera and do two Sdi-HDMI converters on both ends, and still able to control the camera, is that something possible?
Yes but I’m quite sure you need dual SDI cables to do that. Doug covers that in this video, I believe
How can I rotate my camera with 180 degree
Check… it _might_. A lot was packed into that little box.
Thank you for your response, I have the Atem Mini Pro Iso
Use one of the keys, however not all ATEMs can do that. Offhand I don’t know which do or don’t but if you don’t see the ability to rotate a key, then yours can’t.
Hey mate,
Are you able to trigger recording on the camera through the ATEM?
Only for BMBPCC cameras
Hi Joseph, thanks a lot for the video. I have one question, does the zoom control work on that camera with the EF mount canon lens? Thanks a lot!
The answer is in the very next tip:
our church just purchased The black magic ATE M Minnie and we would like to know if we could use a joystick to control and zoom without using the remote
Look at the ATEM control surfaces… I’m not sure what they have on them
Can this be done with HDMI as well as SDI (with SDI converter boxes ...or an SDI Atem) or HDMI only? (I know you mentioned that it needs 2-way communication in a previous answer)
If you have an SDI camera that supports camera control (only a few of the BMD cameras do), then you need to use a bi-directional converter and connect SDI to both input and output on the camera/ converter.
Does this work with wireless video transmission such as hollyland?
No. Wireless HMDI is one-way communication. This requires two-way.
How do you connect the camera? I have a Pocket6k Pro and want to control it with atem.
@@photojoseph Thanks, I had to send SDI out of the Atem extreme back to the BM converter I’m using for the camera to get it to work.
Just HDMI!
Is there any app that runs on android or ios that triggers remote recording via an Atem Mini Pro?
I want to record on the 4 cameras, but would love to be able to start the recording from the floor, using something like a phone.
Look up MixEffect. I don’t know if it will start and stop recording, but if anything will, it will be that. It is an amazing ATEM control system for iOS.
Hey Joseph, great tutorial. Do you think the single point AF, is good enough with the right lens and focal throw to keep you in focus for talking head style videos, if you're not moving all over the place. Woth the ATEM it seems you can quickly grab focus very easily as well. Just wondering your opinion on this.
@@photojoseph sounds amazing, great idea. I’ve always had issues with MF but I think it’s coz the aperture was too wide open and the DoF was way too shallow. Looking forward to getting better with the pocket camera.
@@quiztasiarocks yep. You can use the AF from the ATEM to set focus (you’ll see how slow it is), then leave it there.
@@photojoseph so Bmpcc in MF could be an option, and preferred it sounds like in your view.
BMPCC cameras? Not a chance. Their AF is the worst in the industry. There’s a reason no one EVER talks about it. Talking heads should be in manual focus with enough DoF to capture small movements, and the talent told not to move too much. Lots of YouTubers use AF on cameras like Sony or canon for their talking head parts, and IMHO, it’s awful. I don’t like seeing the focus change. It’s very distracting. Again… my opinion.
Thank you for your detailed video. I have a question that hasn't been answered before: Can you use the ATEM Mini/Pro to start and stop recording e.g. the BMPCC 6K Pro to the internal CF card? It would be very kind if you answer that. Thanks and greetings from Cologne, Jürgen
Yes, absolutely
Hey Joseph i am from India,just wanted to know can we use this atem mini just to use our pc monitor as camera external monitor,i wanted to know when does it exactly becomes broadcast camera ,when we plug bmpcc6k to atem or after we click on aur button ..and before on air bmpcc6k remains as cinema camera and on its mode.
filter is for ND filters
Is “filter” for the 6k pro built in ND?
Was messing with my atem today and found out that the filter in the atem software app controls the electronic ND on the 6k pro. Not sure if it’s been answered but there it is haha.
yes, I've since realized that — so cool!
pretty good info thanks!
I have a hand held rig with a wireless transmitter and receiver but it does not seem to connect. Any suggestions?
*I tried the hard wire connection in addition to wireless. The only thing that has worked is direct in with an HDMI cable
@@photojoseph I tried switching to 1920x1080 and still got nothing. Not even a tally. I have a blackmagic bi directional converter box at both ends and a 3g/6g sdi cable
Plug receiver into a monitor. Anything? If not then the camera is probably outputting 6K instead of HD.
@@photojoseph the set up is a BMPCC 6k with hollyland cosmos c1 wireless transmitter into Atem extreme iso
Bro you’re gonna have to provide a LOT more details. This question is the equivalent of “my car won’t start”. We need a lot more info to possibly help.
Here: Custom Picture in Picture in the ATEM Mini; Create and Save Your Own PiP | ATEM Mini Tips 07
@PhotoJoseph, This was an amazing video. It answered so many questions I had about the setup that I am not pushing this configuration for our Facility. But I have a question about connections. We are looking to run decent lengths using SDI. Have you used this application with Black Magic HDMI to SDI Converters with Sucess? Camera->HDMI->HDMI to SDI-> SDI to HDMI-> ATEM MINI. We are also interested in the ATEM Television Studio HD, any luck with camera control over SDI From the ATEM Television Studio HD?
BMPCC->HDMI->HDMI to SDI Converter-> ATEM Television Studio HD?
I am curious about your thoughts on this path?
@@photojoseph thankyou so much cor the input. 🙏🙏
I use BMD HDMI to SDI converters all over the place. I don’t use the camera control feature as I’m not using BMD cameras but it definitely works. I just upgraded most of my converters to 12G because the new 12G boxes carry timecode — the older 4K and 6G models did not.
Do you need an actual ATEM device in order to color grade a Black Magic Pocket? Or could I use just the software?
@@photojoseph Perfect! That is what I needed to know, the LUT would work :) Thank you!
As far as I know, you need the ATEM hardware to do it live. I don’t know of any stand alone system for grading live. However you could make a custom look using the same tools in Resolve then load the LUT on the camera.
How about camera other than black magic cam?
Can we also use color setting in atem mini?
great series of videos
Thanks, Mervyn!
hi joseph, great video, thanks, I have my blackmagic pocket cam connected via hdmi to my atem mini extreme but the camera is not responding to anything - no controls are working at all. Do I need to change a setting in the camera for this? I have updated all software btw:) Thanks for some quick advise. cheers from Zurich
@@gerdpublicthinker ahh! And which lens exactly?
@@photojoseph thanks turns out I needed to do a software update on the camera as well, and the lens I use … Panasonic vario … is not compatible with zooming remotely
Remove everything else from the ATEM and test. I’ve found some hardware can actually interfere with the communication. It’s super weird.
Great content! Quick question: which hdmi cable should I use to control the bmpcc4k with the Atem Mini Pro? A d what setting do I choose in the camera? Thank you very!
the HDMI cable needs to support at least HDMI v1.4 or ethernet
Nearly any cable, and just plug it in. It’s honestly that easy.
Great video. Is it possible to do the same thing by connecting the camera to the atem by a Hollyland Mars or any other wireless transmitter-reciever?🤔
Daniele I’m not ignoring your question, I keep meaning to test it. I’m 99% sure the answer is “no” but I wanted to verify… but I didn’t get to it yet and now I’m heading out of town for a week. I’ll try to remember to test this when I’m back!
Thank you for the video.
What setting do you have on the bmpcc? Is the setting on video or film? Are you loading any luts on the camera? When I connect my bmpcc, the atem program image look extremely pale and flat
Oh and make sure hdmi out has the look embedded.
Sounds like it’s outputting Log. Set it to one of the looks and you should be set.
Have you resolve this issue? I have the same
From your experience, is the video image quality the same when saving to a hard drive the same as the image quality when recording from within the camera using an SD card?
@@photojoseph thanks for the insightful videos these are very helpful. Is it possible with the iso pro to record a "normal" mov mix of everything rather then something that may lower because of bit rate and Internet connection? So almost like what you would've multicamed later in resolve is done and baked in live in a h264 or something? Thanks!
@@photojoseph Thanks so much for you reply! I truly appreciate it.
You mean captured to an HD connected to the ATEM? Definitely not. The in-camera will be superior, as the ATEM is compressing the image for live streaming, and what you are recording is the stream-quality image.
How are you powering the table camera? Battery or hardwired?
It was powered with the included AC cable.
Hi I have 2 Blackmagic cameras 4K and 6K also ATEM Prodaction Studio 4K Switcher. I connected all, the software as well, I can see my cameras on my multyvew, but I got a issue. When I go to Camera section on software and trying to control cameras it looks like noting is changing when I change bottoms. Can you tell me what can be issue, also my 4K Blackmagic camera is turning off automatic after few second, can you tell me how to fix it inside camera settings ? Thank you, good video.
Thank you for the great video. Does the Atem mini control the BMPCC via the HDMI cable only? if so, I am not sure why mine does not work. do I need a certain type of HDMI cable? thanks
I set mine up with. High Speed 8K HDMI Cable. It DID NOT WORK. I then switched to a a cheap HDMI cable that comes free with some equipment and everything worked fine. Try an AMAZON Basic HDMI you may have better luck.
5:54 I am wondering if the aperture open/close functionality on button press can also be triggered via macro? Through macros it could be used on non-extreme ATEM models, e.g. via Streamdeck/Companion buttons. Macros would also be helpful for gain/focus/shut/black buttons, increasing/decreasing the respective values.
​@@photojoseph I tried finding out the exact xml value to replicate this button function as macro but without success.

I came across:

<Op id="CameraControlFixedPoint16Bit" address="5" category="0" parameter="2" action="Set" values="1"/>
// Did change the iris, but not in steps (min/max)

<Op id="CameraControlFixedPoint16Bit" address="5" category="0" parameter="2" action="Offset" values="1"/>
// Changed the handle in the software (in steps) but the iris did not change

<Op id="CameraControl16Bit" address="5" category="0" parameter="4" action="Set" values="1"/>
// Changed the iris in a wired way (not in steps though). The software did not react at all to it.

I was wondering if you could record a macro on your Extreme and while recording it, clicking on the up or down button to see what the actual xml code is for changing the iris in steps. This would be very helpful.
Essentially anything that can be triggered in software can be used in a macro. So yes, I’m pretty sure everything you mentioned can be done in macros.
Hey I’ve got a question.
Do you need a lens that works with the camera in order to use any of the CCU controls?

We’ve got 3 PCC 4Ks, and the ATEM mini extreme iso. The lenses on the cameras are not controllable, connected with mount adapters, but we were hoping that at least we could control other settings.

Both the ATEM and cameras are up to date, and connected through HDMI directly to the switcher. Is there a maximum HDMI cable length maybe? Currently we are on 25ft cables.
@@photojoseph Huh alright. Thank you for testing that out for me.
I booted everything up earlier today to show a friend of mine that I hadn't talked to in a while, and one of the cameras did randomly start working with it. The other two are still a no-go.
Oh well. Hopefully once we get a new, dedicated computer for this stuff, it will work. Right now we're on a Mac that belongs to my brother in law, but everything is on a different profile.

Thank you for testing it!
I finally checked this out — I put a manual lens on a BMPCC 4K and still had full camera control. Obviously not aperture and focus, but gain, shutter, black points where all controllable.
Ok thanks. That’d be interesting if a lens “breaks” camera control. I’ll check it out.
Yes. We are going to get correct lenses in the future. I’m not sure what the person who was setting them up was thinking when they got our current lenses.
So if I understand… you’re saying that you have adapted lenses, so therefore naturally expect that you can’t control the lenses, however you also can’t control the bodies? Please confirm and I’ll check that later today; I have three BMPCC cameras set up for my webinar today but won’t have time to test until after.
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You are the Best!!!! Thanks You very much!!! This is a good tip
Is it possible create macros for key 2 3 4 on Atem Mini Extreme?
Oh. Yes, of course. Start recording a macro and enable a key and stop recording. That’s it. Or build it completely with all the settings. Remember a macro only does what you tell it to do.
@@photojoseph is it possible create macros for enable or disable upstream key 2, 3 and 4? Thanks
I don’t understand the question. The six macro buttons on the Extreme trigger the first six macros in your list.
Great work Joseph. I know a lot of people use GH5 via HDMI input with ATEM mini (pro). Do you know if I could use GH4 in the same way with Atem mini (pro)? Thanks!
@@photojoseph Awesome. Thank you very much!
Absolutely! I used a GH4 as my main “webcam” on an ATEM Mini for a year. Works great!

Yep! That’s the very next tip! With any luck I’ll finish editing it today. 

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