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This ATEM (mini) Tips” series of short video tutorials for your Blackmagic ATEM hardware includes tips for all users, from beginner to advanced. Scroll down to see more in the series!

This is a collection of all PhotoJoseph LIVE shows, from the PhotoJoseph YouTube channel. Additional episodes are listed below!

Keeping your ATEM Up to Date!

Photo Moment - March 24, 2021

You've got your ATEM Mini, ATEM Mini Pro, ATEM Mini Pro ISO, or even one of the new ATEM Mini Extreme or ATEM Mini Extreme ISO switchers (phew, that's a lot!). But is it up-to-date? Do you have the latest software? Heck, have you even found the software? This video shows you how to download the latest software and install it on your ATEM hardware.

Need an ATEM Mini?

What this tip is about…

Did you know that your ATEM is constantly getting updated with new features? You'll want to keep this up-to-date to get the most from your hardware. And if this is the first time using it, none of the ATEM switchers actually come with the software — you have to download it! So where do you get the software?

Visit and click on the Support tab. Then in the “Search by model” search field, type in the model of your ATEM, such as “ATEM Mini Pro ISO” or “ATEM Mini Extreme”. Select the right model from the list, and that will load the right software farther down the page — but you might have to scroll paste the first series of thumbnails (yeah, it's a little confusing). Download the appropriate software for macOS or Windows, and run the installer.

This will install a folder called “Blackmagic ATEM Switchers” with a bunch of stuff, but most importantly, two apps. One is called “ATEM Software Control”, which is the app to control the switcher via software, and the other is the “ATEM Setup” which sets up basic settings like network access, but also runs the software updates. 

When you open “ATEM Setup”, you'll see two buttons. One of them (on the left) opens the setup window, and if there's an update available for your ATEM hardware, it will prompt you to install it. It won't force you to update though, which is great, if you don't have time right now. Allowing it to update is fast and painless; it will load the new software (firmware) onto your ATEM, and reboot it. In a few minutes you will be back up and running, with the latest features!

📄 Full Video Transcript


Past Shows

I've an ATEM Television studio pro and it's doesn't work XLR inputs. How can I fix it?
You can’t update your ATEM with XLR inputs? I’m confused. Updates don’t happen over XLR.
Do you have any suggestions to what the problem may be if you downloaded and installed the software but the ATEM Setup program doesn'nt recognize an update is available. I'm trying to upgrade to version 9.4 from 8.6.
Just because there’s a new version of the software, that doesn’t mean the hardware needs the update. Most updates are either software only or are hardware updates for specific models only. If the hardware doesn’t need the update it won’t take it. BMD isn’t very clear about this so the confusion is understandable.
Hi, I’m new to this, does the Nikon z30 work with the atem? What cables to connect and when updating do we need to connect the atem to the computer? I thought it was standalone, many thanks
I don’t know if the Z30 has clean HDMI out. Watch these videos next: and
Hi Joseph, do you know if BMD allow a Mini Pro to be upgraded to the ISO level, even with a fee, or is it different underlying hardware?
Different hardware, so no upgrade path, sorry.
Well every time I upgrade I always need to uninstall the old version beforehand and then reinstall the newer version. I find it impossible to just update the version I already have installed.
That’s odd. What makes you have to uninstall?
I am attempting to reboot my atem iso pro and the update gets to 70% and stops working
There is what we call the “Recovery Mode”.  Holding down the upper left “ON” button while applying power puts it into a state where a firmware update is required.  

1. You can downgrade to any previous version supported by this hardware
2. The version number of the ATEM may not reflect the software — the software will install the latest version that the is made for that hardware
If that doesn't help… you'll need to contact BMD support.
@PhotoJoseph Blackmagic Atem 4M/E lock problem i cant unlock black screen
Can someone please help me with this on a PC. I’m lost. Thank you
Hi Joseph, first up, thank you for helping me to get my live streaming off the ground, your tuition has been instrumental in making this happen.
I have a question - Can I leave my Atem Mini extreme on permanently 24/7?
I'm having a frustrating whirring noise and freezing issue at startup, which resolves itself after multiple attempts. Now just considering not powering down.
Any suggestions or info on the above from viewers would be much appreciated.
@@photojoseph Hi Joseph, Ive figured out what the problem was. Just in case you ever get this question in the future from a subscriber:
One of the Atem Mini Extreme HDMI INPUTS came from my iPad Pro, trough a dongle which also feeds an Ethernet connection to/from my LAN hub, and also runs MixEffect Pro App to a Streamdeck. 
The ATEM clearly does not like this dongle I used, and after I unplugged the HDMI cable, it switched on every time.
The exact conflict I do not know, but the hardware/dongle seems to be the issue. 
If I do the startup, then plug in the HDMI into the dongle into the iPad afterwards, it works fine. Strange ...
Maybe this helps someone in the future.
@@photojoseph Thank you, I appreciate the reply. It is well ventilated, running 100%. 
I picked it up used, almost new condition though. I'll check in with BMD, but suspect it is out of warrantee Will take it in regardless to have it looked at, at an authorised retailer.
Thanks again!
Glad to have helped! Yes you can leave it on 24/7. Just be sure it has clear ventilation. But the issues you explain don’t sound good; any chance it’s still under warranty? I’d contact BMD support as soon as possible.
Hello how do you connect your atem to Facebook
Choose Facebook in the streaming destination
Hello Joseph. We would like to connect a streaming bridge to the stem mini (not pro) to get an HDMI output for second screen. How do we do this? Thanks
I like your green eyes
lol my bad
they're blue, but thank you!
My atem mini xtreme out put 1 not work can help
I am unable to connect my Atem mini out to Multiple TV's from HDMI out even though i use splitter.. Can you help me out
Is there any way of forcing an ATEM to reboot remotely (LAN Connection) or can you force an update that forces a restart? When you do a software update it does force a restart. I have found that my remote ATEM Mini stream output crashes every few weeks. The only way to fix it is with a power cycle or a firmware update. Currently on v8.8.
Good luck. And glad those sync files have been helpful!
@@photojoseph Many thanks. Yes it’s really frustrating, especially that stream/record bug. The (I assume it is a hardware issue) stream engine crashes and the only solution is a power cycle or, as I’ve found out, a firmware update. I have come to the same conclusion as you. I do have a ModBus controller on site with two spare contacts, so I can feed it from that power supply.

I have also raised the issue with BMD support, they’ve raised it with development, but no commitment to fixing the bug or offering a remote reboot as a workaround.

The device is on a remote site and is used as the input switcher for an ham radio TV repeater:

By the way your sound sync files are very useful as are your informative videos.

There’s no remote reboot. Most BMD hardware is like that, frustratingly. The firmware update does reboot it but AFAIK you can’t force an existing version into it without touching the hardware, and from your comment I assume you’re trying not to touch the hardware? The only solution I can think of is a smart-home power switch, that you can remotely turn off and on.
Latest version not showing for atem mini extreme 8.8
@@photojoseph okay thankyou so much 😊
Hi Dr. Shriyank Chandrakar — If you’ve updated the ATEM software and are not seeing that same version in the ATEM hardware, that’s because not every software update applies to every hardware. Install the latest software and you’ll always have the latest firmware in the ATEM — even if the numbers aren’t the same. Download the latest version by visiting and typing “ATEM” into the ”model” search field.
@@photojoseph it's not opening in the atem setup the update of firmware, I've connected to the internet also
i don’t understand the question
I used the ATEM Mini for the first time a few days ago and the audio was 3 seconds behind the video coming out of the ATEM USB port. I found out that it needed a firmware update. I followed your directions but the ATEM software didn't give me an update prompt indicating to me that it was up to date. If that is the case, why was my audio 3 seconds late?
And how is the audio getting to the ATEM?
What cameras?
Thanks. I find it so hard to believe the BlackMagic makes it so hard to do this. They don't even provide install instructions in the update file that gets downloaded. And the update I downloaded didn't even have the set up file you are using. Also , no update prompt like you described. Thanks BlackMagic for being so difficult :(
I just downloaded the 8.7.1 and it still shows the older 8.6 in the software for Mac. Maybe i have to uninstall the older software?
@@ZGZG ATEM hardware does not always update. If there is nothing new for THAT hardware, then the software will update but the hardware will not.
@@photojoseph I think we meant the firmware of the ATEM mini are still in 8.6.4 without showing updates needed even when we are connecting via 8.7.1 control software
you shouldn't have to, but make sure it's not running when you install it. You can of course uninstall; there's even an uninstaller. I installed 8.7.1 and the ATEM Software Control does in fact show 8.7.1
Hallo zusammen

Ich habe mein Atem mini seit circa 2 Jahren und bis jetzt hatt alles super funktioniert.
Vor Kurzem aber, als ich einen Monitor an den Output anschliessen wollte, musste ich feststellen, dass ich kein Signal habe. Egal was ich an den Output anschliesse nichts geht mehr :(

Über USB-C kann ich noch alles steuern und das Atem mit in ein Onlinemeeting einbinden. Doch am Output, da kommt nichts raus...

Kann mir da jemand helfen?
Danke schon im Voraus... :)
Great video.
I updated my ATEM mini. I was supposed to see 2 small gears for sync. I only got DELAY, I didn’t stereo simulation on Mic- Input settings . And when I try to use the DELAY gear it doesn’t affect the sync issue.
What can do in this case?
you have to change the settings to split into stereo and the delay is only for the line inputs not the HDMI
Great video, as always! I have an issue which haunts me lately: my ATEM mini pro doesn't recognize the Ethernet connection. I try unplugging the modem, unplugging the atem mini pro, the ethernet cable, resetting the MacBook Pro, etc, but it still does not see the network. The Setup software doesn't see it either unless I connect using a USB-C cable, but I used to be able to connect the laptop to the Wifi and the ATEM mini Pro to the Ethernet only and both would see each other and the AMP would see the internet, YouTube, etc... This seems to happen every time I change locations of my live streaming, changing the internet connection (different location, modem, etc) and I never figure out how to fix this. Then the internet technician I hired fixes it somehow, but when I'm on my own, I can't get the AMP back to work at home... Any ideas? Should I try the factory reset procedure?
Yes, reset. Also try another Ethernet cable
in my atem mini, i get no ouput on hdmi out. can you tell me why ? because i have the output before. but suddenly it doesn't come out anymore. thank's
You can set the output from the HDMI menu in the app. Perhaps it’s set to an input you’re not using instead of the Program out.
Hi Joseph, thanks for your great info. I have a Neewer monitor that I bought for my ATEM Mini but can't get a signal from the Monitor Out HDMI - I have tried everything but wonder if it is compatible with the switcher (?) - if you have any thoughts, I'd appreciate your advice.
@@photojoseph My problem was that a monitor on the HMDI out of my Mini Pro worked when directly connected, but not when I used a 'domestic' HDMI splitter. Using a pro make (actually BluStream) solved that. The other thing to check is the ATEM's HDMI output frequency setting that's in the setup. It might be set too low for the monitor being used.
There are some monitors that just don’t work for some reason. Many were addressed in an update a while ago though … can I assume since you’re commenting on the “how to update” video that you’ve updated?
wow, this helped a lot! I always though the ATEM Software control would auto update in the background! thanks a lot!
why my atem mini no hdmi output? just blank screen. already updated the firmware. thanks.
Try a different monitor
I am trying to connect my ATEM to the network. When I click on "Connection" in the ATEM software control it shows the ATEM Mini on the network but won't connect. I read that is because the firmware on the device is different than the latest version 8.6.4 The version on the ATEM Setup is 8.6 however I can't seem find anything newer than 8.6 for the firmware. I completely uninstalled and reinstalled the software. As far as connections. I have both my iMac and the ATEM connected to an unmanaged 8 port netgear switch. I feel like i have tried everything. I want to be use a stream deck and start using macros but I know I have to overcome this hurdle first.
Here’s a video on how to update — start there to make sure you are fully up to date — also, FYI if you join the channel as a member you will have access to a private Discord server which could be a good place to ask questions, and of course you’ll be helping support the channel! Details at
Quite confusing... I downloaded version 8.6.4 followed the steps from the video and setup screen tells me that I have Software version 8.6.1. My first thought was that I might use an older version already installed on the computer, or that something went wrong with the update. However opening the Help -> About ATEM Setup a window pops up telling me that I indeed use version 8.6.4. So I'll guess that the version that is shown by the Help Screen is het Software Version and that the version shown selecting the ATEM image is the firmware version and that those version are not always necessary in sync.
@@AB2ski2 that is correct. As long as the software is at the latest version, you’re good. Remember that the software is the same app for about a dozen ATEM models. Not all models get updates with every app update.
@Alex I believe that is just an updated software for the ATEM MAC switcher interface, and that the firmware for the ATEM hardware is still 8.6.1 because that is what I am running and it does not offer any update (even though I did instal the latest version as well).
Odd, but if you’re seeing 8.6.4 then I think you’re good!
I've updated my ATEM Mini Pro ISO. I can open my video in Youtube WEBCAM and FB but I can not schedule or STREAM live now in Youtube. Any ideas? I have tried and tried with the stream keys, copy and pasted but the ATEM can not be seen by youtube STREAM.
Disconnect and reconnect the USB cable, and power cycle the ATEM.
Thanks for the video
@@MrJonrob1234 I hope you can get your money back!!
@@photojoseph my unit isn’t working. I purchased used and this was not disclosed. I was frustrated because I just new there had to be an extra step. I had the atem television pro hd but it wasn’t your fault. Thanks for the video.
The mixer? Do you mean the ATEM? Interesting… what issues are you having? It should be plug-and-play, but if not, then it's definitely worth making a video on that.
Thanks for this. Currently having major issues with hdmi output to a preview monitor not working. Will only work on camera 1 direct output but even then its a bad feed. Have you come across this issue? Hoping the new update will fix it. I've read that there may have been a bad update a while back that caused it.
@@tyragreer5312 swapped out some hdmi cables and installed the latest updates and it sorted it out. Not had an issue since and I stream with it weekly
Hey Tom, having the same issue here... were you able to fix it?
Man! I hope this helps mine extreme iso I just got today. The video gets all like, laggy and slow at points. Camlink 4K has NEVER done that to me.
@@ThisIsLeeBird awesome!
@@photojoseph I updated it when I got off work. I was at work when I wrote that, I just didn’t get enough time to mess with it. Works perfect now 👍
Hm, what you’re reporting can’t, in any way that I can imagine, be the responsibility of the switcher. Perhaps you’re trying to send too much data to wherever you’re streaming? Consider lowering your bitrate to see what happens.
Hi I'm still running 8.5.3 I think, can I update straight to the latest software or do I have to update in order??
@@photojoseph thanks fella 👍🏻👍🏻
Just run the latest and you’ll get it all
Is it possible to fade a graphic in over a live program (person talking) so his name appears...then fade it out? I can't get it to do anything but pop in...then pop out! Please talk a little slower in your videos; trying to follow you step-by-step is almost impossible. All you guys selling on YouTube must have been used-car salesmen before. LOL
To transition in a DSK, use the AUTO button under the DSK column in the interface.
One thing to put on your to-do list, if possible The Hyperdeck Studio Mini IP fail every time you boot the ATEM app. The one where you have to go into Settings-HyperDeck and enter a different IP address, connect, and then enter the correct one to attach the HyperDrive. I tried a macro to no avail. Thanks.
@@photojoseph Given the Extreme's bigger draw I'll take your advice. BMD will probably squash the bug at some point. Cheers!
Interesting. In that case, my solution is… don't shut it down ;-) These products don't have a power switch because they are actually mean to be running 24/7. As with all electronics, the will last longer if they aren't heating up and cooling down (expanding and shrinking) repeatedly. To be honest I don't know what the power draw is, so perhaps that's a concern, but overall I'd just leave it running all the time.
@@photojoseph Fixed IP. I close down all my gear at night (startup state us saved with Hyperdeck's IP). At the next startup, the Mini isn't recognised. I have to go into the settings, enter a different (junk) IP and then immediately enter the correct one. Green lights, connection achieved. This has been documented elsewhere but if you don't shut down your ATEM then it isn't a problem.
That’s interesting; I haven’t experienced that. Granted I connect primarily to my ATEM 2 M/E, which almost never reboots. But when it does I haven’t see that. Do you have fixed IPs set on your hyperdecks and ATEM, or are they grabbing new ones at will?
That’s interesting; I haven’t experienced that. Granted I connect primarily to my ATEM 2 M/E, which almost never reboots. But when it does I haven’t see that. Do you have fixed IPs set on your hyperdecks and ATEM, or are they grabbing new ones at will?
Solid tip. I use the support centre regularly and still trip over finding the right update.
They don’t make it easy, do they
Suggestion for a future tip (at least I would be interested) - I'm looking at getting a Behringer mixer similar to your XR18, but mine's the XR12 baby version. I'd love your take on how you would send an audio mix from say four speakers with wireless lavs on a live stream, feeding into the Behringer XLR inputs, and then fed out to the Atem (mini pro in my case). Thanks.
Hm, I think that gets too far out of the ATEM range for this series. Ultimately as far as the ATEM is concerned, it doesn't matter what mixer you're using. If I start doing tips on external mixers, at least as part of this series, then there's no end to what should be covered and it strays too far from the objective here. That said, a generic tip on mixing audio externally (mixer-agnostic) could be in order. I'll put this in my notes and think about it. Thanks!
Thank you. I have the whole suite of infinity and haven’t use infinity photo yet. This tutorial is making start using infinity photo to create this.
Glad you're enjoying!
@@photojoseph just got my Extreme ISO today, hence appreciate your time and effort, thanks again.
Y O U ‘ R E W E L C O M E
Thanks mate CHEERS
dve media player vertical transition! (don't know how it works)
Check out the live show I just did at 11:05 you'll see a DVE effect (this one is with a circle) — is that what you mean?
On the right track!
hi Joseph, here is the text you've asked me for: //// The plugin in the folder: Library/Application Support/Blackmagic Design/Switchers/CS5 needs to get copied to Applications/Adobe Photoshop 2019/Plugins/. Reopen Photoshop and File>Export>ATEM Switcher Media Pool should work! //// the forumpage where I found it is: //// I made it, and now it works :-)
Thank you!
Thanks for this "Tips" series. Hugely helpful.
Glad you're enjoying!
Really loving these tips! Do you if it's possible to receive timecode into the ATEM? ie so acts as a slave?
No. There's no external TC input, and the ATEM does generate time of day timecode for its own use. I'm pretty sure if you're using a Blackmagic Pocket cinema camera, the ATEM sends timecode to it so all four cameras are in sync for BRAW internal recording, but that's it. Larger ATEMs, like my 2 M/E, do have a dedicated TC input, however.
Hi Joseph, thank’s for all your videos, it’s great. I’ve just receive my Atem mini extrême iso and my question is how to desactivate That the preview selection follow The programme selection when your are switching on the Atem panel ? Damien from France
@Damien Russeil : serait ce possible de se parler ? j'aimerais en savoir plus sur ATEM ? quelle version as tu ?
I think this is what you're looking for… (oops sorry don't know why the link was missing earlier)
could you explain the difference of the streaming- and recording quatlity in the settings. What Codec, resulution, filesize, appearance on screen during streaming and from HD-recorded files ?
Interesting… good question to address. Added to the list.
may be not everybody knows, how to set the brightnes of the ATEM device buttons.....
Ooh, I don't know that that's worth a whole video…
how could I show up more htan only one ATEM an my Mac?
you've got all the questions today ;-) You can't without reconnecting between ATEMs, however you can control multiple devices using Companion. I discussed that in this video — the video isn't exactly about what you're asking, but all the info is there. I have already added to my list a more basic overview of this process, to address your specific question.
i use adone photoshop elements. the ATEM plugin didn't work (it was not installed properly. thanks to a forum I have found, where to find it on my disk and where to copy it, so that it works now. I think, this could be also interesting for all af your viewers. the folders and files are easy to place at the right place.
That's great to know. Could you point me to the article?
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